Package net.sourceforge.nrl.parser.ast

The fully resolved abstract syntax tree (AST) representation of the constraint language.


Interface Summary
IDeclaration A declaration is either a rule declaration or a fragment declaration, as defined by the sub-interfaces.
IModelReference A reference to a model element, consisting of several steps along element and attribute names.
IMultipleContextDeclaration Any declaration that takes multiple contexts, with parameter names.
INRLAstNode Basic interface for all NRL constructs.
INRLAstVisitor A very simple visitor interface for straight-forward recursive descent traversals of the AST.
IOperatorFileReference A reference to an operator file, by file name
IRuleDeclaration A generic rule declaration.
IRuleFile IRuleFile is the top level interface - it contains the entire, fully resolved AST of a rule file.
IRuleSetDeclaration A rule set is a named collection of rules, with an optional precondition attached to the execution of the rules.
ISingleContextDeclaration A SingleContextDeclaration is a declaration with a unique context, for example a rule.
IVariable A variable reference.

Class Summary
ActionVisitorDispatcher An extension of the basic dispatching AST visitor class that adds action language support.
ConstraintVisitorDispatcher A default implementation of the INRLAstVisitor interface that dispatches calls to the visitor method to a client-supplied INRLConstraintDetailVisitor.
NRLDataType Representation of NRL primitive types.
Variable A default implementation of the variable reference interface.

Enum Summary
NRLDataType.Type Enumeration of basic type names

Package net.sourceforge.nrl.parser.ast Description

The fully resolved abstract syntax tree (AST) representation of the constraint language. The interfaces in this package specify what a fully resolved representation of a rule file looks like.

The package specifies no implementation. In order to obtain an AST instance, use a concrete implementation, for example using the public classes in the 'antlr' subpackage.

The main interface here is IRuleFile. In order to get to a fully resolved implementation of this class, a number of steps have to be performed:

If any of the above steps fail, the AST is unsafe and has to be discarded. For this reason, during all of the above steps, SyntaxError and SemanticError entries are collected.

Copyright © 2006-2010 Christian Nentwich and others